Organ-on-a-chips made from human primary cells have been gaining popularity in recent years as a potential research model. Not only do these systems contribute to the replacement, reduction, and refinement of animal experiments, they have also shown promises for more biologically relevant results for toxicology and drug discovery.
In the paper, "Utilization of a model hepatotoxic compound, diglycolic acid, to evaluate liver Organ-Chip performance and in vitro to in vivo concordance", the Food and Drug Administration and Emulate collaborated to assess the performance of Liver-Chips made from human hepatocytes and Cell Systems' liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (ACBRI 566). These Liver Chips were treated with a known hepatotoxic compound, diglycolic acid (DGA), and their responses were then compared with those seen in other in vitro and in vivo experiments including multi-well plate cell cultures, animal studies, and a previously known incident of human exposure to DGA.
Cell Systems is proud to support the FDA and Emulate’s development of more predictive and reproducible testing platforms for human discovery with our primary liver sinusoidal endothelial cells (ACBRI 566) and our Medium Kit Without Serum and With CultureBoost™ (4Z3-500).
To see more studies involving liver microphysiological systems as well as other experiments that have used Cell Systems’ LSECs (ACBRI 566), check out our LSECs citations.